Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Whiteweed which has the scientific name of Ageratum conyzoides is a kind of weed plants.
These plants come from tropical America.
This plants that can grow to 120 cm can be found in the yard,roadside and agricultural land.
Whiteweed containing amino acids,essential oils,tannins,sulfur,potassium chloride,alkaloids etc.
Whiteweed may be used to treat wounds,squeeze the whiteweed leaves then mixing concoction with lime and apply on the wound.
These herbs can also be used as an herbal remedy to treat:

Boil 15-30 grams of dried whiteweed leaves with 2 cups water to boiling and wait until the water remains into a glass.
Once cool,strain and drink concoction 2 times a day until healed.

2.Inflammation of the ear
Wash 15 grams of whiteweed leaf then mash until smooth.
Then squeeze and strain the ingredients and use the potion for ear drops.
Use herbs 4 times a day as much as 2 drops until cured.

3.For hair treatment
Wash the leaves and whiteweed stems then mash until smooth.
Apply ingredient to the entire scalp and hair and then close the head with a cloth.
Leave for 2-3 hours and then wash and clean the hair.


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