Thursday, October 15, 2009


There are an important news for patients with sinusitis disorders.
Laboratory studies conducted at the University of Ottawa,Canada found that "removal natural bacteria" in the honey can kill bacteria that causes sinusitis.
The results of the study reported in the annual meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation,in Chicago USA.
Researchers conduct tests on the material honey biofilms containing bacterial sinusitis.
They found that honey kills bacteria more effectively than the usual antibiotics given by doctor. Director of Pediatric Clinical Research at Penn State,Dr. Ian Paul,made positive comments on the results of the new study.
He said, "Bacteria do not grow well in the honey.
There is a data that honey efficacious for treating wounds,in a way to destroy bacteria that grow on the wound.
So,not at all surprising that honey would be effective in killing bacteria ". Dr. Paul and his team at Penn State College of Medicine last year also completed a study that found that honey is more effective than commercial cough medicines in relieving cough in children.
There are two types of honey found in the Canadian researchers who proved most effective against sinusitis,which is Manuka honey from New Zealand and Sidr honey from Yemen.
Sidr honey bees obtained a living community in Sidr tree,also called jujube or Lote Phin Ziziphus (spina-christi),growing in Yemen.
All parts of this tree are medicinal.
Protein-rich seeds,leaves contain calcium,iron,and magnesium.
Sidr grow wild,so free from chemical fertilizers.
That's why organic honey Sidr was relatively pure.
Gynecology antibacterial and highly potent antibiotic.
Meanwhile,Manuka honey comes from pollution-free area in New Zealand,which includes the cleanest areas in the world.
How much honey should be consumed?Traditional dose is one tablespoon,three times a day.
For children,one tablespoon of the three times a day.
If you do not find the type of Manuka honey and honey Sidr,choose locally produced honey. However,make sure you actually buy pure honey honey from a trusted company.

Source: Gaya hidup sehat magazine


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