Monday, August 3, 2009


If aerobic exercise is the number one option, the distributor of electric Treadmill fitness equipment be first choice of fitness equipment.
Likewise favorite so that it can happen any time you need to use the queuing Treadmill fitness equipment distributor of sports equipment on a peak hour fitness center.
Such popular sports equipment Treadmill from Treadmill electric distributor make the fitness center prefer to invest by adding more equipment Treadmill fitness equipment rather than the other new.

Advice to select fitness equipment:
According to the American Association, to this tool is still a sport Treadmill fitness equipment to maintain the number one health body and heart. Treadmill training with the electric can burn more calories than any other tool. As a comparison, the calorie is issued for 1 hour is 865 - 705 calories, stair machine: 746 - 637 calories, rowing machine: 739 - 606 calories, and bicycle stasioner: 604 - 556 calories.

Do not immediately believe some cardio equipment that does not show the actual number of calories burned. With a motivation to practice, the number of calories burned to the sometimes 20% - 30% higher than the actual.
If you want cardio equipment a more honest, choose from the Treadmill fitness equipment distributor. Calculations calories on this tool far more accurate and has been evidenced by various medical research.
Treadmill motorized sports equipment from a distributor is the only option. Look for Treadmill Treadmill electric distributor's that have at least 2 motor with a capacity of horses. Checking the running track surface on the engine Treadmill is subjective. You need to run at least 1 km to know whether you like it.

Control the speed and slope should be easy to achieve and operated. The difficulty will be achieved this result for the risk of fall. The control panel can not be shaken when you run, so it does not feel dizzy when reading the numbers listed. Make sure that the selected model has a width of at least an 40-cm long and 150 cm-an. If the running track surface is too narrow, you will feel in the run up the balance board.And if too short, you can easily drop.



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