Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tea for health benefits

Tea was originally popularized by an expert of traditional medicinal plants from Chinese in the year 2737 BC.
Tea contains a natural source of caffeine,polyphenols,fluoride,quercetin and myricetin,theobromine,theophylline and antioxidants in fat content(catechins),carbohydrates or proteins near zero percent.
Tea made by brewing the leaves,leaf buds,or stems of dried leaves from the plant Camellia sinensis in hot water.
Tea is traditionally classified based on the techniques with which it is produced and processed:
•White tea: Wilted and unoxidized
•Yellow tea: Unwilted and unoxidized,but allowed to yellow
•Green tea: Unwilted and unoxidized
•Oolong: Wilted,bruised,and partially oxidized
•Black tea: Wilted,sometimes crushed,and fully oxidized
•Post-fermented tea: Green tea that has been allowed to ferment/compost
Tea is also often associated with its use for health because it has many benefits,namely:
1. Anti-cancer
Research shows that green tea protects us from a variety of cancers,including lung cancer,prostate and breast.Antioxidants in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate,slow the growth of lung cancer cells.
2. Increase metabolism
The clinical trial by the University of Geneva and University of Birmingham showed that green tea increases metabolic rate,the speed of fat oxidation,insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance.
3. Preventing diabetes
There is epidemiological evidence that drinking green tea and black tea can help prevent diabetes,although such evidence is still associative requires further confirmation.
4. Enhance the immune system
Theanine in tea may help the immune system response against infection.
5. Inhibit the decrease in power of thought
Drinking more than 2 cups of green tea a day had 50 percent lower risk of experiencing damage to the intellect,as compared with those who drank less than 2 cups a day.


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